872,000+ PRODUCTS

27,000+ ORDERS


B2B Marketplace

OnePlace has grown from a single supplier ordering portal to a national trading platform, catering to all NMBS suppliers. It streamlines the ordering process by understanding supplier needs upfront, reducing time spent on queries and invoicing. For merchants, it centralises product information and ordering, saving time for other business tasks.

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Straight Through Ordering

Email or upload your PDF or XML purchase order to OnePlace from your back office system.

If it passes order validation e.g. minimum order value (MOV), active product codes, etc. then the order will be sent from OnePlace to the supplier without any further action required.

Your submitted order through OnePlace will allow you to view and receive order acknowledgements, delivery notes and more in OnePlace.

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A PIM, or Product Information Management system, is crucial for maintaining high-quality product data amidst increasing consumer demands. It serves as a centralised platform for managing and editing product information, ensuring consistency across systems. PIM enables suppliers to distribute product data in various formats to meet merchants' needs, facilitating sales growth by providing detailed and reliable information that boosts confidence in purchasing decisions.

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Contact oneplace@nmbs.co.uk for more information or assistance with logging in